Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Analysis of 2009-10 Dues

This evening, President Gary Stewart announced via e-mail the dues structure for Board 23 members for the 2009-10 season. The membership categories and dues are as follows:

Active Officiating and Provisional: $125
Dual Member: $68
Active Non-Officiating: $50

You should download the PDF of the 2009-10 membership form at and complete the form and submit payment prior to Feb. 9 to avoid late submission fees.

Dues for each category were raised $10 over those of previous years by a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee, after a healthy discussion, at a meeting Jan. 24. Anytime a leadership body asks for more money from a membership body, a certain amount of hesitation usually follows. That's natural and appropriate -- it's your money, you should be hesitant to part with it.

I'll try to offer some perspective that will hopefully allay any concerns you may have and assure you that we acted in the best interests of Board 23 and its members. I am a dittohead that believes less government is more and am skeptical of any governmental body that grows so big -- operationally or financially -- it no longer represents those it was entrusted to. It's a given that membership dues cover required registration fees for organizations like IAABO and the MPSSAA, the latter of which is likely to increase by at least $4 per official for 2009-10. That is a cost to members that must be factored into the dues structure.

What's not always a given but no less important is what else membership dues cover. In the past, they may have covered certain operating expenses and the banquet. But over the years, Board 23 has undertaken more initiatives to better members' experience, to improve the quality of officiating we provide to our clients and to further the game of basketball in our area -- all of which fall in line with the mission of IAABO and of Board 23. Some of those initiatives your membership dues fund include: Internet-based assigning software, the evaluation program, the applicant training program, the three-person training program, a Web site, getting three-person crews on selected games in Anne Arundel County, supplemental insurance for members, a donation to a scholarship fund in the Baltimore County Public Schools, a preseason scrimmage day and (hopefully) an annual holiday tournament, and the costs of a year-end banquet to help us celebrate another great season.

I approached Saturday's meeting skeptical of a dues hike, but the more we discussed all of the positive initiatives we as a board are involved in, the more I felt that an increase in dues would be appropriate. Dean Layman mentioned it had been several years since Board 23 raised its dues. I can't remember when. So after a good discussion, we voted unanimously to increase dues by $10 per category.

You should also be aware that we also agreed to look very closely at the budget for 2009-10 to trim unnecessary expenses, to present to members a general idea of what initiatives membership dues help fund, and to continue to examine options for alternate sources of revenue.

The Executive Committee is very cognizant of the fact that your membership dues play a key role in the operational success of Board 23 and in the ever-improving role Board 23 plays in the local and state basketball communities. We have much to be proud of and much to look forward to. Thanks for being a member, and please don't hesitate to contact me or anyone on the EC with questions or comments.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snowed Out? Update Your Availability

Weather today has caused some schools and school systems in the Baltimore area to close today, thus forcing the cancellation or postponement of some games scheduled for today. Keep an eye on the weather, but now is a great time to log on to Arbiter and update your availability for Wednesday and Thursday. Those are two days that are likely to be used by Baltimore County Public School and Anne Arundel County Public Schools to make up games that had to be postponed today. Check Arbiter and/or your e-mail frequently for makeup game assignments from assigner Rick Russell.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Official's Jacket Found Jan. 16 at Arundel

Vice president Mitch Jungreis found an official's jacket Friday night, Jan. 16, at Arundel High School. If you misplaced yours there, contact Mitch. His contact info is on his Arbiter profile.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Uniform Restrictions and Blow the Whistle on Cancer

Just a reminder that the uniform restriction of White Jerseys for the home team and a dark contrasting color for the visitor team (ONLY) pertains to Varsity Level. Middle School and Junior Varsity teams are exempt from this restriction due to budgetary reasons. The Head Band rule does apply to Sub-Varsity Teams as well as Varsity Level Teams.


During the week of January 26 thru February 1, teams, officials, and possibly cheerleaders will be bringing awareness of cancer across the country through the "Blow The Whistle On Cancer" campaign. Officials will be using White Whistles for Men's Basketball Games and Pink Whistles for Women's Basketball Games. Teams will/may be wearing White or Pink Wrist Bands, Head Bands, and in some cases White or Pink Jerseys. Please make sure that we allow these teams to show their support to the American Cancer Society during that week. Let's use some common sense with the apparel which we may see during that week. Make certain that both Head Coaches and Game Management is aware of what is happening. The Referee may include any teams participating on the game report. Thanks for your cooperation during this worthy cause.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Great Night for Three-Person Training

Last night was a great night for Board 23. Nearly 30 members participated in a three-person mechanics training class at the Leadership Through Athletics (LTA) Gym in Lansdowne. Interpreter Al Bundy, Tom Reese and Jeff Cyryca guided us through a one-hour class, and then officials were divided up to cover six games of an adult recreation league, each with a three-person crew. Three-person veterans and college-level Board 23 members got on the courts to guide those new to officiating with three people.

I've been fortunate enough to benefit from some formal and informal training on three-man mechanics, but it can be a lot to absorb if you've spent most of your officiating career using two-man mechanics. It's important to stay with it, though, and ask plenty of questions. You'll realize the benefits. The more you do, the more comfortable you get and the more you realize there should be three officials on most basketball games.

Al and Tom mentioned that, at least in the Mid-Atlantic, Maryland and Delaware are behind the game in that they use two officials for the majority of high school basketball games. But three-person crews are the future, and Board 23 is making progress towards that on our own. President Gary Stewart announced that several Anne Arundel County Public Schools were receptive to our suggestion to provide three officials for one boys' and one girls' game per school. Those assignments are being worked out, and the training program is a great way to get more qualified officials proficient in three-man mechanics. All of this helps us better serve our clients.

Kudos to Al and Tom and their committee for making this happen. The Board 23 three-person training program continues each of the next seven Thursday evenings at LTA Gym. For more info, contact Al Bundy (his info is on his Arbiter profile).


Monday, January 5, 2009

Stay in Shape and Sharpen Your Skills

Now that the holidays are behind us, we need to focus on our physical conditioning and work on sharpening our officiating skills for the 2nd half of the basketball season. Now is the time to challenge ourselves to higher expectations and standards. Are you ready to step up to the next level?

Enjoy the 2nd half of the season and strive to push forward to post-season play.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Deadline Approaching for Blow the Whistle on Cancer

Just a reminder that the deadline to participate in IAABO's "Blow the Whistle on Cancer" campaign is coming soon. Basically, as an official you make a donation via a check payable to the American Cancer Society. IAABO is suggesting that the donation amount be 25 percent of a game fee, but you may donate more or less. You mail the check and a form to the IAABO national office so that it is received before Jan. 16. IAABO will then mail you either a white (men's game) or pink (women's game) whistle (you specify that on the form) to use in games during the week of Jan. 26-Feb. 1.

I believe IAABO's national goal is to raise $50,000 for the American Cancer Society. It's certainly a noble cause, so please participate if you think appropriate.

For more information, including a link to a PDF of a form with instructions on how to participate in "Blow the Whistle on Cancer," visit the Current Members section of the Board 23 Web site ( It doesn't look like there is a designated space for it on the PDF, but when you complete that form, include a note indicating that you are a member of Board 23.

IAABO Patches Shipped to Me Today

Several members have expressed interest in obtaining IAABO patches to sew onto their uniforms or jackets. (A reminder that the IAABO logo on your uniform is a requirement. You can affix an IAABO patch onto your referee shirt, or you can order shirts that have the logo pre-printed on them.)

After going through a bit of a circus act, I'm happy to announce that Honig's Whistle Shop is shipping 25 IAABO patches to me today. Patches cost $10 each. You can make a check payable to IAABO Board 23 and mail to me (my address is on my Arbiter profile). I can mail you a patch after I receive payment. Or, you can give me $10 cash when I give you a patch if we're able to meet in person.

Thanks for your patience.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome to the Board 23 Blog

Welcome to the Board 23 Blog. What is it? It another communications medium for the members and constituents of the International Association of Approved Basketball Officials (IAABO) Board 23 - Central Maryland. Check back frequently and thanks for visiting.

Also, for more information, check out our Web site:

Paul Krome, Secretary
IAABO Board 23 - Central Maryland