Monday, September 28, 2009

It's Time!

Welcome back all for another season of high school basketball! Sure, the season doesn't officially get underway until Friday, Dec. 4, but for those of us who wear the black and white stripes in this area, our season starts tomorrow with the first general meeting for Board 23.

As Al mentioned, the meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the Lansdowne High School cafeteria, but feel free to arrive as early as 6:30 p.m. to pick up your 2009-10 IAABO handbook (which includes the rule book) and clear up any membership issues with myself and/or treasurer Damian Biggs, if applicable.

Be sure to stay tuned to this Board 23 Blog and to our Web site,, for helpful information throughout the upcoming 2009-10 season. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at Lansdowne!


Monday, September 21, 2009

Upcoming Mandatory General Meeting

Board #23 Members:

Just a friendly reminder that our first mandatory general meeting will be held next Tuesday, September 29, 2009 at Lansdowne High School in the cafeteria @ 7:00 p.m. President, Gary Stewart, has already sent out an email to our membership, but I am just following-up on the blog. The Executive Board has been pretty busy during the off-season and we have quite a bit to accomplish this coming season. I will be going over the rule changes, points of emphasis, and mechanic changes for 2009-2010 at the meeting. In addition, I will present a quick review of the fight rule to prepare us for the upcoming season. The applicant class is going well. Dennis Battle has done an excellent job working on rules and preparing them for the IAABO Exam scheduled during the first week of November. Those applicants who successfully pass the exam will be given floor training during the month of November. Ray Lombardi has taken on this task and may request assistance from some of the members of our Board.

Please make every effort to attend the meeting. If you are unable to attend, contact Kenny Council with an email for attendance purpose. You can get his email on the arbiter, if you don't have it already. See you next Tuesday.

AL Bundy

Board #23 Interpreter