Saturday, December 5, 2009

And We're Off!

Friday night was opening night for public high school basketball in Maryland. So the long march for boys' teams to UMCP and girls' teams to UMBC has begun! I was very excited to get back on the floor for high school basketball and hope you felt the same way. Remember you are representing yourself and Board 23 as you officiate, so be professional, make your calls and hustle, and it will be a good season.

I am in the process of scoring NFHS exams and completing the paperwork necessary to register officials with the MPSSAA. I will advise when that process is complete and scores are available. At the January meeting, I will have the scantron forms with answers marked so you can use it as a study guide if you wish.

Some of you have asked me for IAABO patches. I have ordered more and will post a note here when they arrive.

Have a great season!