Friday, June 5, 2009

Membership Registration Update

First, thanks for the good wishes and congratulatory messages I have received regarding the recent nuptials. Luckily, I was officiating basketball long before I met the bride, so she knows what she's getting herself into. Of course, half of my game fees are now hers, I suppose...

At the Annual Meeting in March, one of our members asked me to update the group with our numbers as far as registration for 2009-10. Here is the update:

-As of today, we have 112 members parent to Board 23 registered in good standing for 2009-10. This includes Active Officiating, Active Non-Officiating and Life members.

-Another 19 officials are dual members of Board 23, with their parent board being 12, 144, 261, 290, etc.

-Seventeen (17) Board 23 members have opted to be Active Non-Officiating for next season.

-Not including our two Life members, that leaves 112 members in good standing currently eligible to work Board 23 games in 2009-10.

-Dennis Battle, chair of the applicant training class, has received inquiries from 25 prospective applicants interested in participating in the applicant training program later this summer and fall.

-Any members who haven't registered yet for 2009-10 with Board 23 unfortunately now must pay late fees to both IAABO and Board 23 when they register.


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