Monday, November 23, 2009

NFHS Exam - Notes

A few nuggets regarding the NFHS Exam, which will be administered Nov. 30 at Lansdowne High School at 7 p.m. This is a required meeting/test date. If you cannot attend, the makeup date is Dec. 1 at 7 p.m., also at Lansdowne.

The test is 100 questions. You must score a 75 percent in order to officiate in 2009-10. If you do not score at least a 75, you must take the test again on Dec. 1.

I will administer the test on Nov. 30. The esteemed Lou Engle will administer the test on Dec. 1.

All basketball officials who work public-school games in Maryland must take the test and pass, and thus be registered with the MPSSAA.

If you are a dual member to Board 23 and paid only the $68 in dues to Board 23, do not take the test with Board 23. You must take the test with your home IAABO board. Some dual members paid $90 in dues because they wish to take the test with Board 23 and be registered with the MPSSAA through Board 23. Those dual members who paid $90 should take the test Nov. 30 at Lansdowne. There are only five dual members who paid the $90.

Again, if you're a dual member and only paid the $68 dual-member dues, you must take the NFHS Exam with your home IAABO board. The vast majority of dual members only paid the $68, so if you're a dual member, chances are you'll be taking the test with your home board.

If you have questions about your membership status, e-mail me.

Please bring a No. 2 pencil to the exam. Good luck to all!


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